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martes, 21 de julio de 2015

Mirá el mensaje de Simone Anderson, una chica que bajó de peso y trataron de mentirosa

Simone Anderson vive en Nueva Zelanda y en 11 meses perdió nada menos que 85kg. Muchas personas no le creyeron y ella decidió contestarle de manera valiente y con una fotografía.

"El 29 de agosto tomé la decisión de cambiar mi estilo de vida y mis hábitos una vez por todas en lo que yo llamo 'El viaje de Simone a la Salud'",explicó. "En ocho semanas perdí 18kg y para el 28 de octubre me puse un bypass gástrico. Perdí 85.7kg en 11 meses", agregó.

En Instagram, un usuario la acusó de estar mintiendo y, ella, sin dudarlo, decidió publicar otra foto donde se la puede ver antes, después y con la piel que le quedó después que adelgazó.

"Traté de ser completamente honesta en cuanto a la experiencia. Así que espero que esto ayude a todos los 'no creyentes'", explicó.

I don't no why but every single comment that called me out for being fake and a liar really bothered me far more than it should. I think it's because it took hours of crying and debating whether to share my story online and for others to see, posting the first picture online along with my weight for the world to see what the hardest thing I have ever done. Throughout my whole journey I have tried to be so honest about the whole experience and tell people it exactly as it's happened so to be called a fake hurt a lot. And then when it came to posting about my lose skin well that was equally as tough. So here we go I hope this helps all the "non believers" - my face uncovered, yes my hair and eyebrows are a different colour as I'm going back to blonde, yes I have changed my phone from Samsung to apple and have moved house so the background has changed (it has been 11 months people, things change!), my skin colour varies in every single post as I get a spray tan once a week on a Thursday and often change the depth of the colour I get depending on what event I have that weekend, yes I have lose skin and stretch marks but I don't feel the need to show them in every single photo I post online, I have shared my excess skin picture before so if you had bothered to click on my page you would have seen it and as for my ears changing in appearance?! Well I can't see that haha so who the hell knows!!! Maybe weight changes ears lol. Hope this helps :D now lost 85.7 GO ME!

Una foto publicada por Simone Anderson (@simone_anderson) el

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